Monday, December 26, 2005

Seven and Seven

Deborah tagged me with the 7x7 meme. So here goes...

Seven Things to Do Before I Die:

  1. Hike the Continental Divide Trail
  2. Explore the Muro Blanco, the Enchanted Gorge, and Kaweah Basin
  3. Visit Iceland
  4. Go backpacking in Alaska
  5. Re-read Remembrance of Things Past
  6. Win a Diplomacy tournament
  7. Help elect a Democratic president

Seven Things I Cannot Do:
  1. Ice skate
  2. Roller skate
  3. Technical climbing
  4. Drive a manual transmission car
  5. Stand on my head
  6. Sleep at will
  7. Sing

Seven Things that Attract Me to Blogging:
  1. The groupies1
  2. The trolls2
  3. I can write whatever I want
  4. There are people who actually read what I write
  5. Interacting with people who read what I write
  6. Being part of a community of bloggers
  7. The possibility of influencing somebody's opinions

Seven Things I Say Most Often:
  1. Lame-ass motherfucker
  2. Plate of shrimp
  3. GTK
  4. That thing...that thing that has that name, that's called something (when I can't remember words, which happens more and more frequently)
  5. Out of my way, motherfucker (in the car only--when I'm walking I just think it without saying it)
  6. Use your fucking turn signal, motherfucker (really, I'm not just stealing from Deborah)
  7. That's my story and I'm sticking to it

Seven Books that I Love:
  1. One Hundred Years of Solitude
  2. Labyrinths, by Jorge Luis Borges
  3. Remembrance of Things Past
  4. Any collection of short stories by Lord Dunsany (also: The Charwoman's Shadow)
  5. Gravity's Rainbow (also: Mason & Dixon)
  6. A Song of Ice and Fire, by George R. R. Martin (cheat--it's four books long so far, and will eventually be at least seven)
  7. Pride and Prejudice

Seven Movies That I Watch Over and Over:
  1. Serenity (or I will as soon as I get the DVD)
  2. Citizen Kane
  3. His Girl Friday
  4. Sullivan's Travels (and The Lady Eve and Hail the Conquering Hero and Palm Beach Story and The Miracle of Morgan's Creek)
  5. Repo Man
  6. A Christmas Story
  7. The Maltese Falcon

Seven People I Want to Join In:
Anyone who wants to.

1Sadly, as yet there are no groupies.
2Happily, as yet there are no trolls.

[That's all, folks]