Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Bush's Immigration Photo-Op: Wingnut Reactions

Initial reaction to Bush's change-the-subject-from-scandals-and-make-it-look-like-I'm-doing-my-job photo op is encouraging...to us, that is. The National Review:

In his Oval Office address, the president squandered what was probably his last chance to reconnect with conservatives on immigration....A speech that had reiterated his support for amnesty in theory, but conceded that enforcement had to come first, would likely have won significant public approval and helped shape events in Congress. The speech he actually gave, on the other hand, is likely further to demoralize conservatives and harden opposition among House Republicans to the Senate amnesty proposal.
And, on The Corner, Andrew Stuttaford:
It's hard to say what was most discouraging about the President's miserable performance last night. Was it the dishonesty (the non-amnesty amnesty, and the way that his opponents in this debate were characterized)? Was it the implicit admission of incompetence (he's only now 'discovered' that the National Guard is, apparently, needed at the border)? Was it the economic illiteracy (the idea that there is a shortage of labor)? Or was it the refusal to learn anything from Europe's disastrous 'guestworker' experience? Incredible.
[Update: Shakespear's Sister has a roundup of reactions from other unhappy conservatives.]

Bush is trying to straddle the divide between two wings of the GOP: the Cheap Labor Wing and the Minuteman Wing. Here are some of the latter, commenting on the Sonia Cano story. Excerpts from their comments below the fold (warning: Freeper quotes)...
Hasta la Vista Baby!

Not only should she not have gotten back pay, all their assets in the US should be forfeit as ill gotten gains from being here illegally.

Helcopter+Drop+Pay per View

Is there any item in our Constitution that says that an illegal, criminal, immigrant can win in our courts of law?

I feel real sorry for criminals. Yeah, I do.

Additionally, she should be required to pay for her pregnancy and birth. I am betting the tax payers picked up the tab on that.

We want our day: A day without hearing SPANISH . [sig line]

Waa Waa! I want you to break the law and hire me! Waa Waa! I want you to follow the law and pay me minimum wage!

So, who is going to do the cheap labor then?
The next wave of filthy illegal alien invaders.

San Fran is such a sick twisted city. It it weren't for anchor babies there would be no children at all in that Sodom
Yeah, these people are really going to go for a deal that also keeps the employers happy. Keep dreaming, George...

[That's all, folks]