Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Lies, Damned Lies, and the Immigration Debate

Carolyn Lochhead (whom I have criticized fairly harshly in the past) has a must-read article about a bogus alarmist study on immigration from the Heritage Foundation that, implausible as it was, wound up framing the immigration debate in the Senate. The article speaks for itself, so I'll just add a couple of thoughts:

  • Study from the Heritage Foundation turns out to be completely off the mark? Well, duh.
  • And yet, people bought it...illustrating the fundamental calculation of the right: no matter how factually wrong or flatly unbelievable a 'fact' is, it will still provide cover for people who otherwise have nothing to support their position.
  • Dianne Feinstein cited the Heritage study on the floor of the Senate, and changed her position on the basis of it. Jesusfuckingchrist Dianne, whatthefuckwereyouthinking?
[That's all, folks]