Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Pombo's Solution to the Lieberman Problem

Well...actually a Pombo advisor:

“Connecticut should have its statehood taken away from it. The foolishness of its pampered residents should be demonstrated to others by a government program to bulldoze the entire state, salt the land and construct a windfarm to supply NYC with electricity. And its residents should be relocated to Guantanamo Bay where they can take a number behind the 3 who hung themselves this weekend, since they seem so intent on suicide.”
-- Daniel Kish, a senior adviser to Pombo, in an email
And what did Connecticut do to deserve this fate? A Connecticut newspaper ran an editorial opposed to drilling in ANWR.

This would be much more trivial if it didn't sound so much like Pombo himself. Pombo isn't just an anti-environmentalist. He isn't just an extreme anti-environmentalist. He's a dangerously fanatical anti-environmentalist, full of rage and hatred toward every aspect of environmental protection. Which is why, come the election, a lot of us are hoping desperately that his constituents Say No to Pombo.

[That's all, folks]