Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11 Link Roundup

Here are some 9/11 posts that shouldn't be missed:

  • Steve M:
    I don't know how much of a chance there is that I'll die in a terrorist attack someday, but if it does happen, let me say in advance, to any right-wing blogger who wants to bask in self-satisfaction by waving my remains around and posturing:

    Go fuck yourself. I will not be your bloody shirt.

  • Josh Marshall:
    Persistent fear and retreat from our own ideals and power isn't optimism. It is the deepest and most pernicious form of self-doubt. Yes, something terrible and unthinkable could happen tomorrow. But none of us has more than a probable claim to life from one day to the next. And as a country we are neither weak nor threatened.

  • Maha posts day one in what promises to be a fascinating and thoughtful series on the ten days after 9/11.

  • Kevin Drum:
    My biggest disappointment of the past five years — the biggest by a very long way — has been the way that George Bush transformed 9/11 from an opportunity to bring the country together into a cynical and partisan cudgel useful primarily for winning a few more votes in national elections....FDR was surely one of the most partisan presidents of the 20th century, but after Pearl Harbor he announced that "Dr. New Deal has been replaced by Dr. Win the War." And he made good on that. World War II was largely a bipartisan war and FDR largely governed as a bipartisan commander-in-chief.

    And Bush? Within a few months of 9/11 Karl Rove was telling party members what a great issue terrorism would be for Republicans.

  • Drum also posts the entire text of a speech by Al Gore delivered five months after 9/11. What might have been...

  • Shakespeare's Sister:
    The truth is, I'm angry. I'm angry that it happened, I'm angry about the immediate response, I'm angry about the long-term response, both domestically and abroad, I'm angry that there are people who would happily do the same thing again, and I'm angry that my feelings make me, in the eyes of the administration, an abettor of terrorism. I've been angry every single day for the last five years, and today is no different.

  • In comments, Fiat Lux directs me to Barry:
    We are in for a total excess of "celebrations" -- is that the right word? -- of the 5th anniversary of 9/11....

    Thanks, but no thanks.

    I don't want to see any of these things -- don't want to buy the book, see the mini-series, read the column. Shit, I don't even want write about it. I already told my own personal recollection from a day of horror. That's more than enough.

    What asshole thought up making a commerative 9/11 coin? -- and would they please choke on their own vomit in their sleep? (Thanks). A fictionlized version of events? Fictionlized? Are you shitting me? Can't we have a more dignified way to honor our dead?

    The greatest tragedy of the post-9/11 period has been the failure of our nation's leaders to bring the country nation together. There was an enormous opportunity to take advantage of the crisis to unify the population and work together. That moment was lost.
Let me know in comments what other posts you think deserve a shout.

[That's all, folks]