Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Bubba and the Comedian

So about six weeks ago I saw this standup comic while I was on a cruise. The crowd was mostly African-American. (Actually, it was too dark to see the crowd, but when he said "How many sistahs are here?" he got a huge round of me! me! type applause. Definitely a majority.)

So he does a Dubya joke. He gets a weak laugh, maybe half the crowd or less, and a smattering of boos. Then he starts to do a Clinton joke (by which I mean, he gets as far as "Well, at least Clinton isn't President anymore, he..."). A huge eruption of booing. I mean, stop in your tracks, can't finish your joke kind of booing.

I guess it's true what they say about Big Dog being the first black President of the U.S. I tell you, it was heart-warming.

(But a good cross-post always gets a laugh.)

[That's all, folks]