Saturday, March 24, 2007

Evergreen Lake

Uploaded by shmako
I ran across this image last week while looking for Random Flickr-blogging images. When I saw it, I realized that I know this lake. I camped here with Max once, when he was (I think) 8 years old. It was our first trip off-trail, so even though this was just a half-mile away from the trail it seemed like a real adventure.

Here's the same lake from a different angle:

We got to the lake a little while after lunch. Max was feeling a little queasy when we got there (altitude), so I set up the tent for him to take a nap. He was out within minutes of lying down. I figured he'd be asleep for a while so I poked around the shoreline, looking to see what I could figure out about the next day's route. After maybe ten minutes I heard Max wailing, and raced back to the tent. He had woken up and called my name, and I wasn't there.

It was one of those horrifying I'm-such-a-bad-parent moments that we all dread. I got him calmed down soon enough, but the memory of him wailing, alone and disoriented, haunts me to this day.