Wednesday, September 28, 2005

That's Govertainment!

Finally, the administration is getting serious about post-Katrina reconstruction : ABC announced yesterday that Laura Bush will appear on a Katrina-themed Very Special Episode of Extreme Home Makeover.

It's not as if Bush invented this sort of thing. Reagan was the master, staging random acts of telegenic kindness for individuals while cutting their support as a class. Clinton did it brilliantly too, although his policies were never quite as inimical to the individuals he comforted.

But Bush's reign, even more than Reagan's, epitomizes the supremacy of image management over...what's that word...governing. He put Karl fucking Rove in charge of the reconstruction, ferchrissake. Laura's appearance on Extreme Home Makeover isn't incidental to the reconstruction; it's the most serious thing they've proposed yet.

So when, you ask, is this airing?

Although there is no official word on when the special episode featuring Bush will air, the Los Angeles Times reports that the hurricane edition will bow sometime during November sweeps.

But only because there's no election this year.