Thursday, October 06, 2005

Is Your Senator Pro-Torture?

Via Laura Rozen, here's the list:

Allard (R-CO)
Bond (R-MO)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Roberts (R-KS)
Sessions (R-AL)
Stevens (R-AK)

The Senate voted 90 to 9 to include an amendment in the defense appropriations bill defining and limiting the interrogation techniques the military can use against terrorism suspects. The nine senators listed above opposed it. The WashPo story is here (free registration required).

You know who else is pro-torture? Hint: he has announced plans to veto the appropriations bill if it includes this provision--which would be the first veto of his presidency.