Monday, November 14, 2005

Boycott Target

Americablog has the latest on Target's policy of allowing their pharmacists not to sell emergency contraception:

But Target feels otherwise. In fact, Target is now claiming - quite incredibly - that its employees' religious fanaticism is covered the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Yes, apparently Target employees are allowed to not sell you things based on THEIR religion. That's an absurd, and rather dangerous, legal statement from Target.
Welcome, once again, to Bizarro world, in which employees have the right not to do their fucking jobs if there's any conflict with their religious beliefs. But why stop with pharmacies? I envision a world of Amish bus drivers with the right not to drive, of Jehovah's Witness nurses with the right not to perform blood transfusions, of vegetarian butchers with the sacred right not to sell meat.

John has some excellent follow-up questions to Target, about exactly which beliefs they think are protected and which aren't. Go read the whole thing.