Sunday, July 09, 2006

North Korea: Blame it on the Clenis

Here's Ann Coulter on the North Korean missile launch:

But the point is liberals always have the same reaction to dangerous enemies, which is be nice to them, and that's what Bill Clinton did in his famed 1994 peace deal, giving the North Koreans $4 billion, chocolates, their favorite, you know, flowers, and it was hailed in The New York Times as, you know, the greatest thing since the Peace of Westphalia. But, needless to say, immediately the North Koreans set to work feverishly building nukes, and now we have to deal with that.
See also here, here, here, here, here...well, you get the picture.

Isn't there some kind of statute of limitations for blaming the previous president? Isn't there some point at which it becomes Bush's problem?

Now, some of us remember it a little differently than Coulter and the linked bloggers. Some of us remember it as Clinton making gradual but genuine progress, then Bush coming in and scrapping the whole set of agreements, and the situation deteriorating immediately after (perhaps, dare I say, as a result of) the abrupt shift in policy.

But never mind that for the moment. We're five and a half years into Bush's presidency at this point; surely, even if Clinton screwed things up that badly with North Korea, the Steely-Eyed Rocket Man has had time to make it all better with his Resolve and Determination and rhetoric about the Axis of Evil and all that. Right?

Apparently not. This is a guy who never takes responsibility for anything, and who has a (dwindling but still numerous) crowd of loyalist co-dependents who are ready to shift the blame for him. And Clinton...well, he's the guy they like to blame. And they'll keep blaming him at least until we have another Democratic president they can pin it all on.

[That's all, folks]