Monday, July 03, 2006

Random Flickr Bloggin' (NiP): IMG_8883

Originally uploaded by Ciscovaras on June 22, 2005

A New York Times investigation has uncovered a secret Republican cult in which right-wing public servants cast off their public façades and behave as their true selves. This picture was taken at a recent gathering, at which Michael Chertoff and Bill Frist were in attendance.

More silliness below the fold!

Originally uploaded by 7in7in on January 31, 2006

Everyone had the same reaction on learning that their favorite restaurant was now serving California spa cuisine.

Originally uploaded by frels on January 28, 2006

Failing to properly understand the concept of the electric car, Fred had the outlet installed in the parking lot, then went out in serach of the world's longest extension cord.

[That's all, folks]