Friday, August 25, 2006

An Irreligious Experience

I went out to lunch today and had a burrito that looked nothing at all like Jesus.

After lunch I was walking down the street and saw a stain on the sidewalk that bore no resemblance whatsoever to the Virgin Mary.

Coincidence? I don't think so.

It didn't end there. I looked at the sky and found, to my amazement, that there wasn't a single cloud that even reminded me of Jesus! Pigeon droppings--not Mary. Acoustic ceiling tile--no Jesus to be found. Shadows on the Bay--100% Jesus-free.

I feel I have been privy to some vast and all-important revelation, the true significance of which will be revealed to me only in the fullness of time...

(Inspired by this post by Shakespeare's Sister.)

[That's all, folks]