Monday, September 25, 2006

Random Flickr-Bloggin' (NiP): 4360

[I went a little crazy this week, folks. Sorry.]

Originally uploaded by supersko

Hey! Watch me do my Teddy Roosevelt imitation! "Mmph ... Bully! Bully, yes, bully! Harumph!"

More silliness below the fold ...

Originally uploaded by The Whistling Monkey

This aging rock-star from the sixties had wanted to promote his old group by putting its name on his hat. Sadly, due to a combination of old-age and long-term drug use, he can't remember for which group he performed.

Originally uploaded by Another Sunrise

Young Draculotta listened carefully as her father tried to explain what it means to be a vampire.

Originally uploaded by Mgmax

The extraterrestrial creature known as "The Tangle"—on Earth to avenge the death of its cousin, "The Blob"—disguised itself as a plate of food, and then, when Fred turned his back … "AAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!"

Fred's career as a photographer was short but colorful. Due to a series of mistakes and misunderstandings, he tended to move quickly from one employer to another.

First, there was the incident when the Meteorologists Association told him to get a good picture of a lightning bolt, and he mistakenly read it as "lightening" bolt:

Originally uploaded by udannlin

Then, the League of European Folklore Enthusiasts told him to try to create an artist's conception of a group of sprites:

Originally uploaded by wonkapete

Then, some social workers told him to do a candid, undercover photo-study of single mothers seeking relief:

Originally uploaded by clif_and_sarah

But his last mistake was trying to take candid portraits at the Annual Hit-man's Picnic:

Originally uploaded by sgfwarnaars

[That's all, folks]