Tuesday, October 03, 2006

20,000 Hits

At 4:50:05 Pacific Daylight Time, Nobody in Particular made the 20,000th visit to If I Ran the Zoo. That seemed like a big number when I started...and I guess it still does, in a way. Hard to believe that many people have bothered to come here, even if a lot of them were looking for something else altogether (I wonder if those people in Tehran ever found their 'gay zoo'?). Anyway, um, thanks for visiting. And I guess I'll take this non-occasion occasion to urge our more recent readers to drop by the Frappr map and let us know where you're from (and if you're a lurker, there's no better time to delurk...except, if you pass up this opportunity, any time in the future).

[That's all, folks]