Monday, October 09, 2006

Random Flickr-Blogging: IMG_7382

[Random Flickr-blogging explained. See also fine contributions from Ben Varkentine, Jurassic Pork, Mike, Kelly, Generik, George (here and here), Debra, SAP, and Jen, Maurinsky.]

Feeling uninspired, for the second week in a row...but the show must go on...

Uploaded by abadjatia
"Champagne flutes! How thoughtful...except that we're Muslims, and we don't drink."

More below the fold...

Uploaded by Ciscovaras
The Buffy producers were extremely exacting, and not every costume design made the cut.

Uploaded by molassesact
"They're coming to get you, Barbara..."

[That's all, folks]