Wednesday, November 08, 2006

What they say on the phone

I spoke, as you know, to a lot of voters. Over fifty calls yesterday alone, of which fifteen or so resulted in conversations. (I left about 20 phone messages.) Over two hundred calls total, so make that about fifty conversations.

The number one issue people mentioned to me was corruption, followed by healthcare. If I mentioned the war to such people, they said "That too" but it wasn't first on their minds. What was first on their minds was "Get the bums OUT."

People have changed parties. Uninformed people who didn't know their candidates' names were committed to a straight Democratic ticket, especially former Republicans. I still think it was worthwhile to repeat the name a couple of times.

It was hard to feel I was getting out the vote, because almost everyone I spoke with was pretty firm, one way or another. They'd already voted, or were about to go out and vote. No one needed polling place information when I offered it. I didn't take that as a sign that I was useless, I took it as a sign that voters were unusually interested, and that's a good thing. I honestly feel I'd work to get out the vote even if I wasn't working for Dems. (I mean, I wouldn't work for Repugs, but I'd be happy to do party-neutral calling. It's the patriotic thing to do.)

Nonetheless, most of the calls I made yesterday were in Virginia, so if we take the Senate, you know who to thank. ;)

(Victory cross-post!)

[That's all, folks]