Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Movie Trivia: The Bare-Bones Version

In comments on Deborah's quiz, Roberta said:

I would like more bone-themed triva games.1
Ask and ye shall receive. Each of the following clued movies fits into the bone theme (somehow). In addition to identifying the movies, you are asked to identify the connection to the theme. (In some cases, it's obvious; in others, less so.) Enjoy, and bone chance (as the Frogs say).

Update: All guessed. Good going, people.
  1. In a plague-ravaged city, people feast in the town square as rats swarm at their feet. [Hint: This is a remake of a silent classic; both are versions of a story told in innumerable movies.] [Nosferatu, guessed by George (and it has a lovely opening credit sequence shot in an ossuary).]

  2. This movie takes its title from a fictitious novel in a classic comedy. [O Brother, Where Art Thou?, solved by Melville; music by T-Bone Burnett, solved by George.]

  3. A villain is composed entirely of bugs. [The Nightmare Before Christmas, solved by Jeopardygirl]

  4. The airline appearing in this movie went out of business well before the time in which the movie takes place. [2001: A Space Odyssey, with the famous bone-becoming-spaceship cut, solved by George.]

  5. "Because I just went gay all of a sudden." [Bringing Up Baby, with a dinosaur bone central to the plot, solved by Deborah]

  6. This movie is the source of a well-known Ramones lyric (and catchphrase). [Freaks, with a character called the Human Skeleton, solved by Jessika]

  7. "They're here." [Poltergeist, solved by Deborah]

  8. The two male leads have starred in three films together: once as antagonists (this one); once as allies; and once as characters who never meet. [Hint: It's not a comic-book adaptation, but comic books play a key role.] [Unbreakable, with Bruce Willis' bones being unbreakable and Samuel L. Jackson's being brittle, solved by Deborah]

1It was a joke about a typo, actually. Still...we aim to please.

[That's all, folks]