Saturday, February 10, 2007

It's Not Over

This round is over, at least. Amanda and Melissa get to keep their jobs; yay them. Edwards did not squash Donohue like the cockroach he is, which is unfortunate. Call it a draw.

But the larger point I was trying to make here is still important. Atrios has it right:

Any Democratic candidate with a chance will, either during the primary or the general, have a a Donohue problem unless they have a long term strategy of dealing with these things. He delights in stirring up controversy and getting people fired. It's his job.
Donohue (and others like him) cannot be appeased. They are conservative Republican operatives; their mission is to destroy Democrats and liberals--to drive us from office, to shut us entirely out of the public discourse. They will not be satisfied by anything except the political equivalent of extermination.

Edwards did the right thing, but I'm still not sure he understands this. I'm not sure any of them do, although I think some of them are learning. They had all better learn and learn fast, because anyone who doesn't is going to be roadkill in the general election.

[That's all, folks]