Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Truth in Labeling (Donohue Edition)

In the wake of Bill Donohue's manufactured controversy over chocolate Jesus, Amanda has some essential instructions for any news outlet covering Donohue:

These facts need to be in every report, if you must give this hateful crank airtime.

1) The Catholic League is a right wing organization that is tied strongly to the Republican party and has a long history of creating controversies against artists and uppity women.
2) The Catholic League shares nothing with the Catholic Church except a similiar name. This one is a biggie—Donohue is no more an official spokesperson for the church than I’m the official spokesperson for the Republicans. Maybe I should rename this blog the GOP Pandagon and go on TV claiming that I represent all Republicans and start calling for puppy-kicking.
Absolutely right. I would also suggest that the caption below his talking head, instead of "Catholic Spokesman" or whatever, should read "Republican Outrage Pimp".

More at Feministe.

Update: Paperwight reminds me, ever so gently, that I should credit him for the phrase 'outrage pimp' as applied to Donohue. My apologies; consider credit (belatedly) given.