The discussion below of Archiedom and Ahab's reference over at Steve M.'s place to "white guy aggrievement syndrome" has encouraged me to post an example. This is a local story for me, but it shows that there are not-so-famous "oppressed" middle-aged white guys who go all Mel Gibson when they're caught falling while drunk.
A little background: Joel Montgomery is a member of the Birmingham City Council who, since his election, has acquired the nickname "Dr. No" because he never votes for anything he doesn't understand. And, because he usually comes to Council meetings woefully unprepared, he rarely understands anything.
He showed up on my sh*t list last month when he helped to torpedo an inclusion resolution proposed by Councilor Valerie Abbott because it condemned discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, along with race, gender, religion, national origin, etc. Not only did he vote no (after revealing that he hadn't reviewed his information packet ahead of time -- again), he acted like a jerk about it, giggling, whispering, and rolling his eyes throughout the discussion. Eeeewww, they said "gay".So. A couple of weeks ago, a Birmingham police officer found him drunk and injured, sitting in a parking lot around 2 am. He had tripped and fallen flat on his face, and he had no idea where he car was (thank the deity for that). He ended up being arrested for public intoxication, and, predictably, his attorney decried this terrible violation of his rights. Yeah.
Yesterday, our local paper published the police report. Here are some tidbits recorded by the arresting officer (I think we can all fill in the bleeps):
"I haven't been this drunk since before I *bleep* went to Iraq."
"*Bleep* you *bleep*. I want to go home. *Bleep* you all *bleep*. Do you know who I am?"
"I'm gonna sue you *bleep*. *Bleep* you, I'm drunk."
"*Bleep* this. Go ahead, take me to jail. I want to go to jail."
"*Bleep* all you police and firemen, you owe me. I got you your *bleeping* raise *bleep*."
Charming. They owe him. A lawyer and fellow local blogger is confident that Montgomery can beat the public intoxication in court, at least in part because he refused medical treatment (that might have documented his blood alcohol level) -- and refused to sign the refusal form. I doubt he'll come out so well in the court of public opinion.
It seems the only time he offered to do anything that night was when he asked the female officer to take off his handcuffs so he could give her something "good to look at". Now we all know that he's even more obnoxious drunk than he is sober.
UPDATE: Oops -- I left out the link to the police report, which details the officer's initial attempt to send Mr. Montgomery home or to the hospital without arresting him. I think perhaps he owes her.