Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Chronicle on Pelosi: A Wingnut Responds

In response to the Chronicle story on Pelosi I wrote about yesterday, here's a devastating takedown from Sister Toldjah:

The liberal SF Chronicle lovingly steps in to defend and sweep aside any allegations of ethical problems/corruption on the part of one of their liberal heros, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The GOP attacking til “something sticks” is the gist of the article. Well, things would “stick” if news outlets like the SF Chronicle wouldn’t keep carrying her water for her.

Move along here, nothing to see.
That's it. In its entirety. Nothing more.

I'm sorry, but that's really just kind of...sad. She doesn't try to dispute the factual assertions in the story; she doesn't even bother to look up the GOP talking points she could use. Just a reflexive dismissa, a pro forma objection because, what the hell, somebody has to object.

Does anybody else get the feeling these people aren't even trying anymore?