Monday, May 28, 2007

Random Flickr-Blogging: img_2506

Please also see these fine contributions from Kathy, George, Deb, SAP, and nash.

Originally uploaded by underparachutes.
Random Flickr-blogging explained.
I need someone to live-blog the next Republican presidential candidate debate. Any volunteers?...OK, then; who wants to sit inside at the computer on a holiday and generate a Random Flickr-Blogging entry?

Originally uploaded by Trav28.
My heartfelt thanks to the brave men and women who have served and sacrificed in the name of preserving our American freedoms.

I sincerely hope it will not turn out to have been in vain.

Originally uploaded by Keith Kelly.
If a drum beats in the forest...wait...If there's a drum in the forest, and nobody's there to beat, that's not right...

Originally uploaded by boyssmith.
"I talked it over with my friend here, and it's all set. We're running away to join the circus."