Wednesday, July 04, 2007

I Hold this Truth to be Self-Evident

Conservatives sure can be morons.

I present, for your patriotic reading pleasure, Kathryn Jean Lopez and her performing conservative flea. To set the stage, K-Lo has linked approvingly to a special, patriotic Fourth of July Google icon incorporating an American eagle. The flea (a Canadian) emails in his performance:

Subject: You're being played!

Hey Kathryn,

I checked earlier today (GMT) to see if they would do
anything for the 4th and there was no special graphic. Then I just
followed your link and the Google logo looks -on my screen- like it
always does.

Then I realised that they must not be showing the patriotic logo to
international visitors to from outside the US. Weasels.

Just thought your readers should know that Google hasn't changed.
It's just trying to trick Americans into thinking it has, while
giving a nudge, nudge, wink, wink to the rest of the planet.

Ryan, Canadian in Scotland
The Fourth of July holiday isn't international, but stupidity surely is.

Have a safe and happy holiday, everyone. Don't light off any conservative firecrackers.