Friday, July 13, 2007

Swiftboating Is Bad, Except When It's Good

Posting about the devastating firefighters' video on Giuliani, Mark Kleiman goes out on a limb:

Fearless prediction None of the people who criticize the Firefighters' attack as "swiftboating" will have actually denounced the Swift Boat lies when they were told.
Okay, let's's a test case, a post by Gateway Pundit called Sorry Libs...This Swiftboat Won't Float. We search the blog for prior use of the term 'swiftboat' and find this, this, this, this, and this. Posts slamming the liberal MSM for daring to criticize the swiftboat liars; posts referring to Kerry's 'unsubstantiated' war record; posts about Democrats' attempts to 'silence' the swiftboat liars; and so on.

Okay...I guess Mark didn't go out on much of a limb after all.