Wednesday, July 18, 2007

This is Bush's Brain On Drugs

Karl Rove has been moonlighting from manipulating the War on Terra for political ends to manipulate an earlier jingoistic G.O.P. jingle, the long-lost War on Drugs:

The White House political affairs office directed the nation’s chief antidrug official and his deputies to appear at about 20 political events with vulnerable Republican members of Congress before the 2006 elections, a leading House Democrat charged Tuesday.

The lawmaker, Representative Henry A. Waxman of California, said the episode was further evidence of what Democrats have described as White House efforts at improperly politicizing federal agencies. Mr. Waxman said the pre-election appearances, by officials of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, which is obliged by law to be nonpolitical, were often accompanied by announcements of federal grants.
To which I can only say, "God Damn the Pusher Man."

Update: Think Progress shows how Rove was trafficking in this stuff.