Saturday, July 21, 2007

Would You Buy a Used Car from These Barbarians?

Left to right: Kvatch (of Blognonymous), Deb (of Debsweb), and some guy.

The Barbarian get-together was a lovely time; I had the great privilege of (finally!) meeting Deb, and got to see some of the Barbarian regulars (always a pleasure). We had fully 42% 37.5% of IIRTZ contributors present (pictured above), which is an all-time record. Everything was good, except for the no-pitcher policy at the Phoenix--a policy described variously as 'barbaric' and 'Philistine'.

And if you missed missed it. Weep not: we'll be getting together again August 1 at 6 pm, at Ben & Nick's in Oakland (one block from Rockridge BART station). Be there or be elsewhere.