Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Vote Today (or Next Week or Next Month...)

I posted this at my place yesterday, with the title "Vote Tomorrow!" because Alabama is holding its primary today. Of course, there are quite a few still to come, and the conventional wisdom says that the Democratic nomination won't be decided today. So when Tom asked me to cross-post, I decided to do it. The historic nature of today's vote is just beginning to sink in. For the first time ever, a major party's nominee will -- not might -- be a woman or a person of color. That's chill bump territory.

Tomorrow Today is Super Tuesday, or maybe Super Duper Tuesday, or perhaps even Tsunami Tuesday, depending on which cable news network hype you hear. Whatever you call it, if you're registered to vote, go out and vote!

I'll be casting I cast my vote for Sen. Hillary Clinton. Democrats have had an embarrassment of riches when it comes to excellent Presidential candidates, and tomorrow I'm voting today I voted for the one I believe to be the better of two really good choices.

GravatarI'm supporting Hillary Clinton because I think she has the experience we need to get this country back on track after eight years of the Bush maladministration, which has broken down our government to the point that it's nearly beyond repair (think giving no-bid contracts to private businesses and then farming out the oversight to other private businesses). Someone has to pull what's left of it out of the bathtub and resuscitate it so it can function properly. We need a President with a substantial understanding of governance, and I believe Sen. Clinton has it. She's serving her second term in the Senate, and that's valuable, but I also consider her years as First Lady of Arkansas and then the US relevant. To my mind, those years count as meaningful experience when they were lived by a person who is as intelligent and interested in the process as she is and always has been.

Sen. Clinton has faced down attacks from right-wingers for years, all of them ugly and some of them outright deranged. (If any of you had the dubious pleasure of receiving a slew of email from the professional Hillary-hater who's been blanketing Alabama for the past few weeks, you know what I mean.) She doesn't back down, and she's still standing. I admire her strength and her courage, and I think they'll serve her well as the Democratic candidate and as President.

Cross-posted from Birmingham Blues. Well, mostly. I left off the part about the local County Commission race.