Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Yes, Its ALWAYS good for the Republican Party

From the "Make Lemonade Files" of the Boston Globe:

Small crowds suit McCain, for now

Some might say that:

"McCain's audiences typically number in the hundreds, evidence of a disparity between the parties in both voter enthusiasm and the resources necessary to hire the field organizers who help build crowds."

But actually its a choice, kind of,

"McCain's accessible style stands him apart from the two remaining Democratic candidates, who reach voters primarily through large rallies where they do not regularly interact with people."

Poor Hillary and Obama:

"Yesterday, Hillary Clinton appeared at an Art Deco concert hall here with 1,763 seats for symphony performances, and at a Philadelphia university athletic facility that can hold nearly 4,000. On Monday, Obama appeared in Mississippi before crowds of 1,700 and 8,500, according to estimates provided by his campaign."

Doomed, I tell you. We're doomed.
