Thursday, September 25, 2008

Welcome Thursday Morning CCAE'ers

If anyone from my lecture this morning makes it through the internet thicket and finds their way here please do click on the comments link and say hi! Here are the links I promised you to major sites. These links are "clickable" which means you just click the link and it should take you there. As I promised, there is a blogroll down the side where you can also click on links that look interesting to you. I know a lot of you are reading Huffington Post, Arianna will also have clickable links. Most of these blogs will have clickable links that will take you to some pretty interesting places. This is a very short "gateway" list. If people make it here and want some recommendations to specific kinds of sites I'm happy to give them. Just leave me a message in the comments section and I'll reply there.

All the News From All Over:


Political Organizing and Community Blogs:

Daily Kos
Red State
Huffington Post

Polls and Political Organizing:

Best Political Commentary and Information Sources on National Races
Talking Points Memo

Politics and Civil Liberties
Glenn Greenwald

If my other co-bloggers have more links please post them.
