Palin: can't run with her, can't run without her. On the one hand, her favorables are dropping to the point that she's clearly a drag on the ticket. On the other hand, dumping her would be devastating to efforts to mobilize the base.
But there is a solution, and only I seem to have figured it out. What McCain needs to do is replace Sarah Palin with Sarah Paulson. It's perfect:
- The name is similar enough that most Palin supporters won't even realize it's a different person.
- A lot of other people will confuse her with Treasury Secretary Paulson, and figure she's on the ticket to provide financial expertise.
- She's almost certainly more articulate than Sarah Palin. (Hell, who isn't?)
- She's totally hot (which, let's face it, is why McCain picked Palin in the first place).
- Two words: Miss Isringhausen.
Wish I had five more like you.
--Al Swearingen