Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Anyone up for Happy Hour?

Martinipalooza 15
I've been thinking it would be fun to have a weekly (or so) open thread shoot-the-shit kind of thing like Melissa does every Friday at Shakesville (it's not theft, it's tribute), just talking about whatever we feel like (including politics, as long as it's friendly)1. Given our much smaller community, of course, it would work only if a) everybody was into the idea, and b) we could come up with a time that is good for most everyone. What do y'all think? Does it sound like a good idea, and if so, what's a good time?

Update: definitely some interest out there--cool. So far, we only have one person expressing any time preference, so I'll give y'all three options: a) Saturday morning, ~8:30 am Pacific/11:30 Eastern; b) some weekday morning (probably Thursday, since we don't have anything else scheduled that day) ~8:00 am Pacific/11:00 am Eastern; or c) some weekday afternoon/evening (again, probably Thursday) ~3:00 pm Pacific/6:00 pm Eastern.

1And besides, I have a ton of icons like this that I'm dying to use.