Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Religious Left vs. Secular Left: Everybody Loses

Liberals become anxious when they agree about too many things; in the absence of genuine internal conflict they find some way to invent it. Hence the latest tempest-in-a-blogospheric-teapot, an argument between those who think their credulity makes them special and those who think their skepticism makes them smart.


I really, really don't get why this is an issue. Liberal 'secularists' aren't trying to shut down religious liberals, and religious liberals aren't trying to shut down liberals who don't believe. When religious liberals speak up for liberal values, secular liberals respect that. When secular liberals speak up for liberal values, religious liberals respect that.

Meanwhile, religious conservatives are trying to shut them both down. Whatever disrespect some liberal non-believers have shown toward religion as a whole pales in comparison to the vicious contempt fundamentalists display (loudly and repeatedly) toward liberal religious beliefs. Any disrespect Waldmann or Sullivan (or whoever) have shown toward those who aren't religious is nothing compared to the frothing hatred of the fundamentalists.

We have a common enemy. What the hell are we doing pissing at each other?

I know, I know: it's what liberals do.


[That's all, folks]