Thursday, August 10, 2006

Wordpres: YAY, Blogger: BOO!

Because I am smart and pretty and charming, I use Wordpress for blogging at Property of a Lady. (Okay, because it was free with my hosting package. But work with me here.)

Because Tom is scruffy and Californian, he uses Blogger.

I'm going away for a few days. Wordpress allows me to publish posts for future dates, and then they auto-publish while I'm away. Essentially I leave them stacked up over the airport, and they land on schedule. Blogger, on the evil and annoying other hand, has no such feature. If, on Wednesday, I post-date something to Thursday in Blogger, it posts on Wednesday but says Thursday. Rat stinkin' bastard. (In Wordpress it posts on Thursday. Just. Like. Magic.)

So my point (and I do have one) is that my site will be attractively decorated with fresh posts while I cavort, whereas I will not be able to maintain my guest-blogging duties here at If I Ran the Zoo. Zoo ain't running I guess.

I hope that Nobody in Particular and Kvatch keep you entertained. In the meantime, feel free to visit my lovely Wordpressy wonder-blog.

[That's all, folks]