Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Morale Clarity

From Ralph "Blood-n-Guts" Peters' lips to my K-Lo's ear:

Bottom Line on Iraq [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
From Ralph Peters (via web briefing):
I hate the long-mismanaged mess in Iraq. I wish there were a sensible, decent way to get out that wouldn't undercut our security and produce massive innocent casualties. But there isn't. Not now. And, like it or not, we have a moral responsibility as well as practical interests in refusing to surrender to the butchers in Iraq.

This has been the Bush-Cheney War. But it will only be fair to call the carnage after we run away the "Reid-Pelosi Massacres."
07/11 06:21 AM
Sure, Republican policies pursued by a Republican president and a Republican congress have led Iraq to (and arguably over) the brink of moral and military apocalypse where it finds itself today. But look at the bright side, all you "Pro-Lifers" out there -- you might yet pin this on the Democrat Party!

How's that for a pick-me-up?