Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Bigots on Bikes Revisited, Yet Again

Frosty Wooldridge, the nativist demagogue who organized the 'Paul Revere Ride' against against illegal immigration, was kind enough to follow up his first comment with another:

In further reference to Hilton's 'silent-assertion' piece about the Paul Revere Riders, consider these realities caused by illegal aliens:

1. 16,000 cases of TB brought into the USA in five years in the bodies of unscreened illegal aliens. They are spreading it to our children and citizens.
2. MS-13 gangs now number 11,000 operating in 33 states according to Newsweek Magazine and distributing $128 billion in drugs annually to the US.
3. In Colorado, illegal aliens caused a 67% flunk out/drop out rate in Denver Public Schools last year and duplicated it again this year according to the Rocky Mountain News. I am a former tearcher in Colorado.
4. In Greeley, Colorado last year 270 hit and run accidents by illegals.
5. Three Coloradan killed by illegals in the last year by drunks and execution killings.
6. Colorado pays $40 million to house its illegal prisoners and nationally, the cost is $1.6 billion to house 600,000 illegals in federal and state prisons.
7. Illegals do not respect our laws or our language.
8. Illegals cheat by not paying income taxes and working off the books costs US citizens $310 billion in uncollected IRS income taxes annually according to the Bears-Stearns Report, 2005.
9. Illegals swamp and bankrupt our hospitals to the tune of 86 LA hospitals bankrupted in the last five years giving service to non paying illegals. CA is in debt to $38 billion and their schools are now in the bottom 5% of the nation.
10. The fact is, all illegals broke our federal laws and are federal criminals. We are either a lawful nation or a lawless nation.

Therefore, Mr. Hilton, when you talk about bigots, you need to turn your quill on yourself instead of others. I stand with integrity and you suffer something known as 'silent-assertion'.

Finally, as bright as you may be, write a piece and give one single advantage to adding 200 million people to the USA by mid century. I'm sure you'll come up with a brilliant idea on how to mitigate the horrific environmental consequences.

Frosty Wooldridge
A few points in response:
  • The Bear Stearns study you cite is widely considered to be grossly exaggerated in its conclusions; in any case, you overstate the study's estimate of lost revenues by an order of magnitude. (Also, lost revenues are offset by Social Security paid in but never collected.)
  • You don't give a cite for the 200 million figure, but that's based on a Heritage Foundation study that is completely bogus. Think of it this way: how likely is it that the entire population of Mexico and Central America will wind up in the U.S.?
  • People who commit a misdemeanor are not generally considered 'criminals', and wishful thinking (your desire to raise the offense of being 'illegal' to a felony) doesn't make them so.
  • Whatever ill effects there may be from immigration, making it illegal exacerbates them. Make them legal and a lot of those problems (lost revenues, e.g) suddenly go away.
  • As for the bigotry thing, I think the contempt with which you speak of foreigners who happen to be slightly darker than yourself is evidence enough for the charge; but I'll add to that the fact that you link to, and allow your writing to be posted at, a hate site like Vdare.
  • I don't think any assertion I made was particularly silent, so I'm not sure what you mean by that. Your use of Clemens (who in his own day abhorred your kind of prejudice) as if today he would endorse your position is a grotesque travesty.
[That's all, folks]