Saturday, July 21, 2007

Quote of the Day: 'Call Me Irresponsible' Edition

The Fred Hiatt Post:

The decision of Democrats led by Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.) to deny rather than nourish a bipartisan agreement is, of course, irresponsible.
Cheerleading a manifestly stupid military action with no discernible relationship to America's security interests and every prospect of killing a lot of American soldiers and many more Iraqis: responsible.

Willfully ignoring reality as it exists here on Planet Earth in order to pretend that your fuzzy pink pony fantasy of 'bipartisan agreement' not only exists but is embraced by the most partisan administration in our lifetime: responsible.

Actually trying to extricate America from the catastrophic clusterfuck you cheerled us into in the first place: irresponsible.

Welcome to Bizarro World.

Tbogg has shorter; Mahablog has longer. Go read them.